2024 Pharmacist of the Day

 Many issues critical to pharmacy will be addressed during the 2024 Legislative Session. These issues could have a drastic impact on Missouri pharmacists. To help address these issues, we are asking pharmacists to sign up and serve as the "Pharmacist of the Day" where you will pick one day to come to the Capitol and work with Ron, Henrio, and other MPA lobbyists to speak with legislators, attend hearings, monitor floor actions, etc. We ask that you complete the registration form. This is your chance to help make a difference in your profession. 

Visiting the Capitol as a Pharmacist of the Day is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 

  1. Prior to your arrival, we will schedule meetings with your legislators if they are available.
  2. When you arrive, we will begin the day with a briefing on the schedule for the day, current topics and will provide you with talking points.
  3. We will be by your side for the day and even grab some lunch!

There are many dates available from January through April for you to get involved. Register now to reserve your day at the Capitol. 

1/30/2024 - 4/15/2024
Registration not available.

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